For the third time in nine months, a meeting between Drumpf and Pelosi, the two most powerful leaders in the nation, has been derailed after a barrage of insults by the President.
At the tonight’s meeting between Drumpf and Pelosi, President Drumpf accused Democratic leaders of sympathizing with communists in Syria and according to Schumer, president slammed Pelosi as “a third-rate politician,”, before targeting Jim Mattis, his own former Pentagon chief.
At the meeting, President insulted Mattis, calling him “the world’s most overrated general” and without evidence he insisted that the ISIS fighters who escaped from Syria in recent days were the “least dangerous.”
All roads with you lead to Putin,”
Pelosi to Drumpf
President also makes clear that he doesn’t care much for Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer,
At the meeting today Pelosi and other top Democrats exited the White House meeting, and they complained that President Drumpf resorted to name-calling and personal insults. The Collapse of the meeting today abruptly ended an attempt by congressional leaders in both parties to discuss Drumpf’s troop withdrawal from northern Syria.

According to Democrats, President began today’s meeting with a “lengthy monologue on Syria, and then bragged about his ‘nasty’ letter” to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan“, which Drumpf distributed copies of the letter at the meeting, and the White House released afterward.
A senior Democratic said that at one point, “Drumpf suggested that there were communists in Syria and said Democrats would like that,”
Pelosi responded to President’s comment saying: “Russia has always wanted a foothold in the Middle East,” and blamed Drumpf for now giving one to Russian President Vladimir Putin: “All roads with you lead to Putin,”
a total meltdown… Nancy Pelosi needs help fast!”
President Donald Drumpf
Pelosi shot back after the meeting, saying “Drumpf had a meltdown” and was “rattled” by the House’s overwhelming bipartisan vote earlier today to condemn the president’s actions in Syria.
President later answered in a series of tweets saying that it was in fact Pelosi who had a “a total meltdown… Nancy Pelosi needs help fast! There is either something wrong with her ‘upstairs,’ or she just plain doesn’t like our great Country.”

Drumpf also tweeted a photo of the meeting with the caption, “Nervous Nancy’s unhinged meltdown!” … Pelosi made the picture part of her Twitter profile…
W.H Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham disputed the Democrats’ portrayal of events, tweeting that :
“Drumpf was measured & decisive, while Pelosi’s decision to walk out was baffling. Dem ‘leadership’ chose to storm out & whine to cameras, everyone else stayed to work on behalf of our country,”
According to multiple sources in the room, at the End of the meeting President had one last shot for Democrats as they left, saying:“Goodbye, we’ll see you at the polls,”
Outside the White House Pelosi told reporters:
“That’s why we couldn’t continue in the meeting, because he was just not relating to the reality of it… I think the president was very shaken up.”
Visibly angry Schumer said:
“I asked the president what his plan was to contain ISIS. He didn’t really have one… This is appalling.”
Hoyer added:
“I have served with six presidents, I have been in many, many meetings like this, never have I seen a president treat so disrespectfully a coequal branch of the government of the United States,”
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