Meghan McCain, the co-host of ABC’s “The View” ABC’s “The View”. added today her voice to the chorus of Republicans and conservatives condemning Drumpf’s decision to step aside as Turkey getting ready to invade Syria. Something that’s been seen as a potential GENOCIDE for the Kurds and the Kurdish fighters who have been an American ally at the fight against ISIS.
McCain blasted as “feckless, unpatriotic cowards” fellow Republicans and current White House officials who were “mad that President pulled out of Iraq” but have been silent about the administration’s Sunday night announcement.
“Right now we’re just saying we’re just going to leave [the Kurds) and abandon them (The Kurds),” blasted as “feckless, unpatriotic cowards” fellow Republicans and current White House officials who were “mad that President Obama pulled out of Iraq but have been mum about the administration’s Sunday night announcement.
And she added:
“I cannot believe this is where we’re at diplomatic-wise… What message is this sending to our allies and to our American troops who have fought and died”
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