Cover Photo taken by Matt Gaetz

Repablican Rep. Matt Gaetz, an ardent supporter of President Drumpf who sits on the House Judiciary Committee, attempted yesterday Monday, to attend the testimony of former deputy assistant to the president Fiona Hill, but was told that he had to leave because he was not a member of the House Intelligence Committee. The impeachment inquiry is conducted by The House Intelligence and the Oversight and Foreign Affairs committees …
The Republican Rep. expressed his disappointment to reporters after being told he was not allowed to sit on the hearing, directing his anger over what he says are “selective leaks” by Adam Schiff (D-Calif) the House Intelligence Committee Chairman and, questioning why he was not allowed to be present during Hill’s testimony…
Gaetz added that Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, was involved in the impeachment inquiry.
Gaetz said:

“It’s not like I’m on agriculture,… What are the Democrats so afraid of?”
Following up his comments with a tweet the Republican Rep. call the impeachment inquiry a KANGAROO COURT, and using one of Trump’s favorite nicknames for the intelligence committee chairman, “Shifty Schiff.”
“Judiciary Chairman (Jerry Nadier) claimed to have begun the impeachment inquiry weeks ago… Now, his own Judiciary members aren’t even allowed to participate in it. And yes – my constituents want me actively involved in stopping the #KangarooCourtCoup run by Shifty Schiff.”